Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Over £100 made at School X-Mas Fair :-)

A few of the Change Together team had a stall outside Middle Row Primary School on the last day of the Xmas Term and made over £100 by selling cakes, raffle tickets, lucky dip and balloons!

Thank you to Middle Row Primary School for all you help and support!

We will be doing loads of things like this in the next couple months so will keep you posted!


Young Mothers at Buckingham Palace!

One of our team, Emily Mailes, was given the amazing opportunity to give a speech at Buckingham Palace last month and meet a few members of the Royal Family.

Emily spoke about her experiences of the Duke of Edinburgh Award and all about the upcoming Gold Expedition (She also managed to drop a hint about wanting donations she we will see if that worked soon enough!)

'It was an amazing experience and one I will never forget, I hope some of the audience take a look at our blog and maybe even donate or offer some help! I was do nervous I was shaking but every one was really nice and my mum's really proud!'

Pictures to come!!

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Winners of the RBKC Apollo Group Award 2011!

Change Together were the proud winners of the group award at the Apollo Awards on Wednesday 21st December 2011.

We got to meet some great singers, watch great comedy and were also given an amazing glass award with our group name on it, a certificate and a summer boat trip for us and the children.

We are really happy and proud to be the winners and have our certificate and award displayed!!