Support Us...!

There are many ways in which you can support us the easiest being to donate money towards our expedition fundraising target through paypal or bank transfer straight to our community bank account.

HSBC- Changes
Sort Code- 40-03-29
Account Number- 61483331

The money goes straight in to our community bank account and 100% of it is used to help us complete our DofE Gold or raise more money. We can also accept bank transfer and cheques so please contact us if you would prefer that method.

Other ways in which you can help are...

❶  Follow our blog and twitter (change2gether)  and encourage your friend to as well.

 Attend fundraising events and spread the word for us.

 Let us know of any funding or sponsorship available or give us general fundraising advice.

 Sponsor or pay for a specific fundraising event, activity, person, piece of equipment or other associated cost- All of which are on the 'Costs page'.

❺ Give us some freebies to use as prizes at our events or for our raffle.

 Any thing else you think would be useful!

To get in touch click here to see the 'Contact Us' page...

Any help would be really appreciated.